Another insight I had whilst visiting Copenhagen was learning about this project investigating disaster relief shelters in Istanbul to provide aid after earthquakes.

Hope on Water came about from the privatisation of public earthquake relief areas in Istanbul and the search for an alternative. Struggling to find space on land that was suitable and stable led them to design a solution on the water. The huts are designed to fold flat for easy transportation and can be popped up very fast. The bay of Istanbul is incredibly well protected from Tsunamis so the system could only really be possible here, but the design is promising for use not only on water. The project was multi disciplinary with architects, civil engineers and very importantly sociologists. You can see that the human aspect of the design as been accounted for, the tent shape to me instantly symbolises shelter and the added colour makes the pod more homely and comforting than if it had just been grey or black.
What I loved about this project was the outside of the box thinking that brought them to the solution, of course at first putting disaster relief shelters on water must have seemed silly. But I love that they didn't dismiss the idea and created what seems now to be the most logical solution. My favourite feature of the design is the folding mechanism shown by the model in the museum, all of the levels and shelves inside the pod fold up inside the walls so that it can be stored and transported as economically as possible which is really important for disaster relief as it can be rolled out quickly and cheaply.
The pods are even design with community in mind so that big rows of the shelters can be lined up along water walkways to create a settlement. The idea of togetherness during disaster is really important I think, too often aid and relief for disaster or migrants is too cold and harsh. It is important to give people in tough times hope and design solutions that don't contribute to the solemnness of the situation people find themselves in. It is something I know Robbie Graham looked into in his PDE Y3 project into temporary shelter for migrants and is something I would like to do a project on in the future.